A downloadable game for Windows

C-World is the initial step towards my ambition of creating a colony simulation game inspired by RimWorld. Although it is in the nascent stages of development, the current groundwork showcases my forward-thinking and commitment to building complex systems from the ground up.

  • Basic Map Generator: The project started with the creation of a fundamental map generator, which forms the backbone of any simulation game. It sets the stage, literally, for the colony sim and all its nuances.
  • Camera Controls: As part of establishing an interactive gaming environment, simple camera controls have been implemented. These controls serve as the foundation for future enhancements, offering players the flexibility to explore the world from different angles.
  • Text Windows: The integration of text windows into the game engine allows for player feedback and in-game narrative development, opening doors for more intricate gameplay and storyline creation.
  • Pathfinding: The inclusion of a rudimentary A* pathfinding system allows in-game entities to traverse the map autonomously. It represents a significant step towards developing the AI systems necessary for a colony simulation game.
  • Lemmy the Lemon!


C-world.zip 2.2 MB

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