A downloadable game

Clonedew Valley represents a comprehensive project aimed at developing a robust and interactive game environment. The core features of the project include:

  • Inventory System: The game integrates a user-friendly inventory system, allowing efficient management of in-game resources.
  • Shop System: An interactive trading platform is in place where players can buy or sell items, thereby stimulating economic dynamics within the game.
  • Scene Management: Incorporated a scene management system that enables smooth transitions and enhances the immersive user experience.
  • Combat Mechanics: The project includes a well-designed combat system, offering an engaging challenge and diversifying the gameplay.
  • Farming System: I developed a detailed farming mechanism, which adds depth to the game by allowing players to till, sow, and harvest their own crops.

Crafting Clonedew Valley wasn't about creating a complete game. Instead, I use it as an experimental space, where I can explore, play around, and better understand various mechanics and how they come together to shape the player's experience.


Clonedew.zip 28 MB

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