A downloadable game

Rustworld represents my deep dive into the powerful and efficient Rust programming language, inspired by Tynan Sylvester's RimWorld. The project served as a vital learning platform and resulted in the creation of a fully-fledged game engine.

  • Engine Development: A cornerstone of this project was the construction of a game engine entirely in Rust. This endeavor fostered a profound understanding of the Rust ecosystem and its applications in game development.
  • ggez Library: The ggez Rust library, a lightweight gaming framework, was used as the foundation for the engine. Its accessibility and flexibility made it the perfect choice for the construction of Rustworld's engine.
  • A* Pathfinding: The engine includes a custom implementation of A* pathfinding, enabling in-game entities to navigate the game world intelligently and realistically.
  • Random Tile-Based Map Generation: The dynamic nature of Rustworld's environment is backed by a system for random tile-based map generation. This system fosters unpredictability and diversity in gameplay, with each session offering a distinct experience.
  • Full Camera Controls: To ensure comprehensive player control and interaction within the game world, full camera controls were integrated into the engine.

Rustworld embodies my ability to explore and master new technologies. The project was a testament to the potential of Rust as a game development language, demonstrating its power, performance, and flexibility.


Rustworld.zip 2.1 MB

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