A downloadable game

Turn A Mint is a third-person shooter game, developed as a rigorous exercise in Unity3D, representing my capability to build intricate gaming mechanics from scratch.

  • Shooting Mechanics: The heart of the project is a comprehensive shooter mechanic system, custom-designed without the use of any Asset store templates or pre-built scripts. This mechanic offers a responsive and immersive shooting experience.
  • Inventory System: A from-scratch, easy-to-use inventory system was integrated into the game. This system facilitates the management and utilization of in-game weapons and items, enhancing the overall gameplay.
  • Interactable Weapons and Items: An array of interactable weapons and items is available within the game. Each item, meticulously scripted, significantly contributes to the richness of the player experience.
  • FinalIK Integration: The FinalIK asset was employed to provide more natural and realistic character movements. This implementation further improves the game's visual appeal and playability.
  • Shooting Gallery: A fully functional shooting gallery was constructed, offering players a dedicated space for practice and skill improvement.

Through the creation of Turn A Mint, I have demonstrated my capability to write original components without relying heavily on store-bought assets, highlighting my advanced knowledge of Unity3D and commitment to crafting bespoke, engaging gameplay experiences.


Turn A Mint.zip 163 MB

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